Monday, September 12, 2011

7 months and GROWING!!!

We had our last ultrasound with the specialist this morning and things went great! He said Ella looks 100% healthy and he had no concerns about her. YAY!!!!!!!!!! She is weighing in at 3lbs 11oz which is 110z more than "normal" at this stage and she is measuring about a week ahead now, so I'm hoping she will decide to come a little bit early especially with the rate she is growing!! She spent the appointment hiding and being difficult...weird! haha!! She is head down now but can still manage to get her feet over her head! (not sure where she got her flexibility!) We didn't get a whole lot of good pictures because she was hiding and had her hands and feet in front of her face which kinda bummed me out but I'm still glad we got to see her and that she is healthy! SO RELIEVED! I did about pass out during the ultrasound because of being on my back and her being pushed into me, needless to say I was pretty embarrassed but the Tech said it happens all the time so I shouldn't worry about it. It def wasn't fun though! So it was an interesting morning!

Here is our little girl! Things were a little blurry and she was moving so they aren't the best but o well!!
 7 1/2 months (30 weeks) 3lbs 11oz

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